Is it because Republicans don't like to explore anything out of their comfort zone?

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Subject: Re: Welcome to our community.

Ok I read my first newsletter however I’m appalled that you would put in something so ridiculous written by Dan Shafer I will go viral with his article and how you didn’t vet him to see if he is a journalist? Is a journalist supposed to be biased ? Unbiased or both I never read such nonsense in my 60 years plus he questions what happened to businesses in Milwaukee and listed some absolutely incorrect garbage I have ever read and I’m 100% not biased but now I see why there is such a divide in this country it’s not a particular party or candidate it’s journalist so with that you published his trash talk uneducated to say the least and so bad that now I half to take my time to set the story straight on this guy so I will be posting his article to my circle on different social media and maybe it will good for civic media short term because at least there will be people who have never heard of you will and maybe some will like your platform with or without Dans input but as an American not being interested in politics or the country’s divide I was appalled to read what I read I mean his article was so off the wall now I see the problem in this country I happen to know exactly what happened in Milwaukee as I have a close friend who is President of a certain bizness there ( hint )) I am going to show him this immediately and tell him I can no longer support him or his business if he has anything to do with Dan and I’m almost certain he knows this award winning journalist well if anyone wants to know the reason for the poor traffic at the RNC or Summerfest I have friends from Mo’s Steakhouse to Where restaurants go to Clothes Clinic to apartment rentals real estate agents and many commercial repair companies and they are in my inner circle so I’m going to have them read what Mr Shafer wrote

And personally do you think Civic Media is a better company with Dan in it ?

I’m not a journalist but I could write his article myself where it will help answer the question for every business in Milwaukee regardless of party choice or candidate preference how does being so biased help any company it’s 50/50 no matter where you go in each state in Milwaukee it’s 90/10 but so don’t you want the other 40% of any Wisconsinites to grow your company and ultimately help every business in Milwaukee does Dan or your company understand that a lot of wisconites who live outside of Milwaukee spend a fortune in Milwaukee? I go to Brewers , Bucks , Summerfest , Restaurants, Pabst Theatre , support food trucks it’s endless but me personal I spend 50k a year in Milwaukee and yes some is at Potawatomi 🤣call me an extremist but later today I’m alerting everyone I know that I’m no longer going to spend a dime in Milwaukee or whatever ward he supports I think 3rd and yes I sometimes get free games with the Bucks when I alert them about security fraud or fans having there credit cards compromised at the kiosk stations and my wife knows the Chief that’s the big chief at Potawatomi because she handles all the data communications their with AT&T , now I really understand how people like Dan and I don’t know enough about Civic Media and I don’t recall ever signing up for it but that’s a different issue entirely so no more $$$ from me city of Milwaukee or anyone that wants to be a part of my circle friend or business and maybe in some small way I can get Milwaukee to be the greatest city I thought it was when I first experienced it over 44 years ago and it was a great city until the last 15 years ago but I still supported it because it was my city and after reading Dan’s article it’s now Dans city and I have no idea how publishing what he wrote is going to help anybody in the city of Milwaukee and if I was going to vote I would vote for Kamala but I don’t see how hate or negative comments about anybody is going to help Milwaukee and unfortunately you hired him and gave him a platform and it’s a real ugly one some of my circle is afraid to go downtown now unfortunately I’m afraid too I don’t wanna be a part of supporting anyone who I feel is creating a divide amongst Wisconsinites aren’t we all responsible to bring everyone in this state together for the benefit of all of us ? Knocking any party or person or any of us is not a way to fix our issues, when do we all take the responsibility ourselves and stop the blaming again I hate being repetitive but tell me where in the article that he helps the 3rd district or and person in the great state of dairyland ? I will let be known when someone says let’s go to Milwaukee to Leon’s or Copps for some food or any of the hundreds of great places to go I’m now saying no this garbage has to stop

Thanks for reading $$$$ no more sorry

Tell Dan the award winning journalist that he just cost the city a few bucks get it ? And some bad news to some people I’m still sitting here at 6am shaking my head 🤷🏼‍♂️😢🫢 I don’t know maybe he will get a raise because he offended a Kamala supporter who knows

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Subject: Re: Welcome to our community.

Ok I read my first newsletter however I’m appalled that you would put in something so ridiculous written by Dan Shafer I will go viral with his article and how you didn’t vet him to see if he is a journalist? Is a journalist supposed to be biased ? Unbiased or both I never read such nonsense in my 60 years plus he questions what happened to businesses in Milwaukee and listed some absolutely incorrect garbage I have ever read and I’m 100% not biased but now I see why there is such a divide in this country it’s not a particular party or candidate it’s journalist so with that you published his trash talk uneducated to say the least and so bad that now I half to take my time to set the story straight on this guy so I will be posting his article to my circle on different social media and maybe it will good for civic media short term because at least there will be people who have never heard of you will and maybe some will like your platform with or without Dans input but as an American not being interested in politics or the country’s divide I was appalled to read what I read I mean his article was so off the wall now I see the problem in this country I happen to know exactly what happened in Milwaukee as I have a close friend who is President of a certain bizness there ( hint )) I am going to show him this immediately and tell him I can no longer support him or his business if he has anything to do with Dan and I’m almost certain he knows this award winning journalist well if anyone wants to know the reason for the poor traffic at the RNC or Summerfest I have friends from Mo’s Steakhouse to Where restaurants go to Clothes Clinic to apartment rentals real estate agents and many commercial repair companies and they are in my inner circle so I’m going to have them read what Mr Shafer wrote

And personally do you think Civic Media is a better company with Dan in it ?

I’m not a journalist but I could write his article myself where it will help answer the question for every business in Milwaukee regardless of party choice or candidate preference how does being so biased help any company it’s 50/50 no matter where you go in each state in Milwaukee it’s 90/10 but so don’t you want the other 40% of any Wisconsinites to grow your company and ultimately help every business in Milwaukee does Dan or your company understand that a lot of wisconites who live outside of Milwaukee spend a fortune in Milwaukee? I go to Brewers , Bucks , Summerfest , Restaurants, Pabst Theatre , support food trucks it’s endless but me personal I spend 50k a year in Milwaukee and yes some is at Potawatomi 🤣call me an extremist but later today I’m alerting everyone I know that I’m no longer going to spend a dime in Milwaukee or whatever ward he supports I think 3rd and yes I sometimes get free games with the Bucks when I alert them about security fraud or fans having there credit cards compromised at the kiosk stations and my wife knows the Chief that’s the big chief at Potawatomi because she handles all the data communications their with AT&T , now I really understand how people like Dan and I don’t know enough about Civic Media and I don’t recall ever signing up for it but that’s a different issue entirely so no more $$$ from me city of Milwaukee or anyone that wants to be a part of my circle friend or business and maybe in some small way I can get Milwaukee to be the greatest city I thought it was when I first experienced it over 44 years ago and it was a great city until the last 15 years ago but I still supported it because it was my city and after reading Dan’s article it’s now Dans city and I have no idea how publishing what he wrote is going to help anybody in the city of Milwaukee and if I was going to vote I would vote for Kamala but I don’t see how hate or negative comments about anybody is going to help Milwaukee and unfortunately you hired him and gave him a platform and it’s a real ugly one some of my circle is afraid to go downtown now unfortunately I’m afraid too I don’t wanna be a part of supporting anyone who I feel is creating a divide amongst Wisconsinites aren’t we all responsible to bring everyone in this state together for the benefit of all of us ? Knocking any party or person or any of us is not a way to fix our issues, when do we all take the responsibility ourselves and stop the blaming again I hate being repetitive but tell me where in the article that he helps the 3rd district or and person in the great state of dairyland ? I will let be known when someone says let’s go to Milwaukee to Leon’s or Copps for some food or any of the hundreds of great places to go I’m now saying no this garbage has to stop

Thanks for reading $$$$ no more sorry

Tell Dan the award winning journalist that he just cost the city a few bucks get it ? And some bad news to some people I’m still sitting here at 6am shaking my head 🤷🏼‍♂️😢🫢 I don’t know maybe he will get a raise because he offended a Kamala supporter who knows

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Subject: Re: Welcome to our community.

Ok I read my first newsletter however I’m appalled that you would put in something so ridiculous written by Dan Shafer I will go viral with his article and how you didn’t vet him to see if he is a journalist? Is a journalist supposed to be biased ? Unbiased or both I never read such nonsense in my 60 years plus he questions what happened to businesses in Milwaukee and listed some absolutely incorrect garbage I have ever read and I’m 100% not biased but now I see why there is such a divide in this country it’s not a particular party or candidate it’s journalist so with that you published his trash talk uneducated to say the least and so bad that now I half to take my time to set the story straight on this guy so I will be posting his article to my circle on different social media and maybe it will good for civic media short term because at least there will be people who have never heard of you will and maybe some will like your platform with or without Dans input but as an American not being interested in politics or the country’s divide I was appalled to read what I read I mean his article was so off the wall now I see the problem in this country I happen to know exactly what happened in Milwaukee as I have a close friend who is President of a certain bizness there ( hint )) I am going to show him this immediately and tell him I can no longer support him or his business if he has anything to do with Dan and I’m almost certain he knows this award winning journalist well if anyone wants to know the reason for the poor traffic at the RNC or Summerfest I have friends from Mo’s Steakhouse to Where restaurants go to Clothes Clinic to apartment rentals real estate agents and many commercial repair companies and they are in my inner circle so I’m going to have them read what Mr Shafer wrote

And personally do you think Civic Media is a better company with Dan in it ?

I’m not a journalist but I could write his article myself where it will help answer the question for every business in Milwaukee regardless of party choice or candidate preference how does being so biased help any company it’s 50/50 no matter where you go in each state in Milwaukee it’s 90/10 but so don’t you want the other 40% of any Wisconsinites to grow your company and ultimately help every business in Milwaukee does Dan or your company understand that a lot of wisconites who live outside of Milwaukee spend a fortune in Milwaukee? I go to Brewers , Bucks , Summerfest , Restaurants, Pabst Theatre , support food trucks it’s endless but me personal I spend 50k a year in Milwaukee and yes some is at Potawatomi 🤣call me an extremist but later today I’m alerting everyone I know that I’m no longer going to spend a dime in Milwaukee or whatever ward he supports I think 3rd and yes I sometimes get free games with the Bucks when I alert them about security fraud or fans having there credit cards compromised at the kiosk stations and my wife knows the Chief that’s the big chief at Potawatomi because she handles all the data communications their with AT&T , now I really understand how people like Dan and I don’t know enough about Civic Media and I don’t recall ever signing up for it but that’s a different issue entirely so no more $$$ from me city of Milwaukee or anyone that wants to be a part of my circle friend or business and maybe in some small way I can get Milwaukee to be the greatest city I thought it was when I first experienced it over 44 years ago and it was a great city until the last 15 years ago but I still supported it because it was my city and after reading Dan’s article it’s now Dans city and I have no idea how publishing what he wrote is going to help anybody in the city of Milwaukee and if I was going to vote I would vote for Kamala but I don’t see how hate or negative comments about anybody is going to help Milwaukee and unfortunately you hired him and gave him a platform and it’s a real ugly one some of my circle is afraid to go downtown now unfortunately I’m afraid too I don’t wanna be a part of supporting anyone who I feel is creating a divide amongst Wisconsinites aren’t we all responsible to bring everyone in this state together for the benefit of all of us ? Knocking any party or person or any of us is not a way to fix our issues, when do we all take the responsibility ourselves and stop the blaming again I hate being repetitive but tell me where in the article that he helps the 3rd district or and person in the great state of dairyland ? I will let be known when someone says let’s go to Milwaukee to Leon’s or Copps for some food or any of the hundreds of great places to go I’m now saying no this garbage has to stop

Thanks for reading $$$$ no more sorry

Tell Dan the award winning journalist that he just cost the city a few bucks get it ? And some bad news to some people I’m still sitting here at 6am shaking my head 🤷🏼‍♂️😢🫢 I don’t know maybe he will get a raise because he offended a Kamala supporter who knows

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I’m sure all convention-goers were happy with their resort services.

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As the event approached, it became more and more clear that rather than being like the Harley gatherings, it was instead going to be the sort of event highly confined to the secure areas. The need for intense security checkpoints meant that few people wanted to deal with crossing security borders more than once. People in stayed in; people out stayed out.

Let's face it: no one wants to deal with right-wing cops (most of them) enforcing security for a right-wing political convention...especially the sort of people such security would be inclined to be suspicious or disrespectful of.

And this was, frankly, predictable. Republicans today are hardly the sort to explore "horrible cities" when their führer describes cities as hellscapes of crime. They're gonna stay safely within security perimeters, for the most part.

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