At least connect to Vliet and make it a boulevard from there

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Not one ounce of economics and math and how this will affect those same segregated areas. As is already the worst kept economic secret in the investment banking community, publicly-funded sports-centered development is a money LOSER and does not translate into better social coexistence or any true economic growth except for those in the investment banking community who pounce on the bond-issuance bandwagon to the detriment of the arms-length taxpayer who has no clue how this further subsumes their wages of labor to the behest of so called "development", "equity", and "empowerment". This is all total bullsh*t.

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By the way, it was those same investment banking actors who proposed these freeway interchanges in the mid 1900's. They derive from the same school of thought. Build the problem, fake the reaction to the problem, then enact the already desired solution, which, in the suggestion of this article, is to give the people back to themselves at a neverending price.

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As an area resident, I would love to see the conversion of 175 back to boulevard status. The speed of traffic alone, exiting onto city streets creates dangerous conditions especially on the north end.

I've read about what was in the freeway area before demolition, and it sounds like it ripped apart a cohesive neighborhood and business district along Vliet Street, one the area has been trying to resurrect ever since.

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