Why does no group, organization, nonprofit or local media attempt to discredit/embarrass/humiliate the Bradley Foundation for their funding of demonstrated racist, extreme rightwing, climate change denier, anti public education, fake election fraud (except for CMD in Madison & 1 New Yorker story) ? What makes such a public, horrific group untouchable?
Q1) With significant budget cuts coming next year and even more so in the 2025 budget, if you could preserve the funding for one City program/department what would it be and why? What should the City by prioritizing when cuts need to be made everywhere and the real savings really come from Police and Fire?
Q2) Why did the Bucks unveil the purple jerseys to only wear them one (1) time...?
Because of gerrymandering most races in the state are foregone conclusions with just four of the 99 Assembly races in 2022 decided by less than 5 points.
“It just verifies for me that gerrymandering is a highly effective way of destroying democracy,” Mary Lynne Donohue, co-chair of the Sheboygan County Democratic Party.
This underscores the importance of the coming Supreme Court election of April 4th.
David Crowley and Mayor Johnson are saying the right things, in regards to wanting (and needing) to work with the State Legislature to improve funding for all municipalities. Do we think Robin Vos and Co will actually come to the table and negotiate in good faith?
Why does no group, organization, nonprofit or local media attempt to discredit/embarrass/humiliate the Bradley Foundation for their funding of demonstrated racist, extreme rightwing, climate change denier, anti public education, fake election fraud (except for CMD in Madison & 1 New Yorker story) ? What makes such a public, horrific group untouchable?
Q1: Is there hope for the WOW counties yet?
Q2: With talk of an Amtrak station in Madison, what are your thoughts on how that may/may not change travel/transportation in WI?
Q1) With significant budget cuts coming next year and even more so in the 2025 budget, if you could preserve the funding for one City program/department what would it be and why? What should the City by prioritizing when cuts need to be made everywhere and the real savings really come from Police and Fire?
Q2) Why did the Bucks unveil the purple jerseys to only wear them one (1) time...?
Because of gerrymandering most races in the state are foregone conclusions with just four of the 99 Assembly races in 2022 decided by less than 5 points.
“It just verifies for me that gerrymandering is a highly effective way of destroying democracy,” Mary Lynne Donohue, co-chair of the Sheboygan County Democratic Party.
This underscores the importance of the coming Supreme Court election of April 4th.
David Crowley and Mayor Johnson are saying the right things, in regards to wanting (and needing) to work with the State Legislature to improve funding for all municipalities. Do we think Robin Vos and Co will actually come to the table and negotiate in good faith?