This is a really thoughtful, perceptive, and powerful piece by BLOC's Angela Lang. Thanks for publishing it.

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I have seen this argument online a hundred times over, and every time I have the same response.

There are 330 million Americans. There is one president, chosen from only two realistic options. There is not a single person anywhere in the country who is getting everything they want.

Your choice is between one who will actively work to move you forward, even if those efforts don't always bear immediate fruit, versus one who will actively work to take away what you have now.

You are choosing the less worse of two options, the one who will not make you go backwards. Every person who doesn't vote to move forwards is voting to move backwards.

I'm sorry if that doesn't sound like a reason to get out of bed in the morning, but that's all any of us are doing. You don't get the magic option of someone who will make your wishes come true. We're not voting for a king. All anyone can do is the best they can do given the limits imposed by political realities, Congress, state and local governments, and the court systems.

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